Get Out N Drive Podcast
The Get Out N Drive Podcast Fueled By AMD
Ride along with John CustomCarNerd Meyer and Jason OldeCarrGuy Carr for all the info you NEVER wanted to know about cars and why they should be out on the road and NOT in your garage! Are you ready to Get Out N Drive? Sit in on these bench racing sessions as the guys talk with everyone you NEED to know from the automotive industry and hobby. If it has wheels, they'll talk about it! Hot Rods, Custom Cars, Muscle Car and Racing are all on the table. When the mic is off, visit GetOutNDrive.com for even more car talk on the Get Out N Drive Podcast blog, YouTube Channel and social media pages. Grab some cool merch and sign up for National Get Out N Drive Day.
Get Out N Drive Podcast
Jason Chandler With AMD: Fueling The Automotive Industry and Hobby
Ride along as Jason OldeCarrGuy Carr and John CustomCarNerd Meyer talk to Jason Chandler from AMD.
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Jason Chandler AMD
The Get Out N Drive Podcast Fueled by AMD with your host John CustomCarNerd Meyer and Jason, OldCarrGuy Carr, we'll be bringing you gearheads everything you never wanted to know about cars and why they should be on the road and not in your garage.
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Welcome back to another great episode of the Get Out N Drive Podcast fueled by AMD. My name is Jason OldCarrGuy Carr, and I’m John CustomCarNerd Meyer.
We are super duper excited to do this interview and this episode of the Get Out N Drive Podcast not just because it's fueled by AMD but we've got AMD in the house, Jason Chandler from AMD. Welcome to the podcast.
Yeah. Thanks. Really, really excited to be here. Thanks guys.
So one of the things that we really want to get down to with this episode is we want to know more about AMD, but before we kind of jump into that, we want to know more about Jason Chandler. Who is Jason? How did he become part of AMD? And what is your background that brings you into the position that you're in to do super things like? I'll help us out.
Yeah. Yeah, that's. Hope you got enough time here. Is going to be great. So Jason Chandler, I am. I grew up. Pretty much in the Atlanta area, I've. You know, went around the ranks of different car and truck clubs and you know, just kind of working with friends of mine that had a dirt track team. So I kind of, you know, fell in love with automotive around that time, you know probably. Late Middle school early high. Kind of age and you know, my first job was at Pep Boys. You know, I was a oil. Tire. And then I merged into doing service rider stuff and then. Buddy of mine said, hey, you want to come check out this company? And I started working with a company in it was in Atlanta and we did mail order performance stuff. Like I say it was more truck accessories and lowering kids. And wheels, you get it. And I was there for a long. I was in sales and that's really where I cut my teeth in the automotive industry. So I guess that was. Let's see here. I'm going to date myself and say that was probably, you know, late 90s, maybe 99, 2002, 1001. And you know, I've been pretty much part of this industry ever since. Doing and I I've learned everything at that company where you know we're doing sales and you know doing website stuff and learning how to code and doing. When? Graphics and doing print layouts and you know you name. I was into it and loving it and going to the shows and you know having a ball and I kind of, you know, worked my way from there went to the company called Godfather Customs. You know, they were popular in the southeast and doing truck stuff and. You know, they were big and you know everything that they could get their hands on where we were doing. WWE signings at our shop and I'll never forget we did. We did a couple of events with the WWE or WWF at the time. Don't remember which one it was, but. We had drove a truck up to the to I guess it was the Falcon Stadium at the time and. They drove the truck up for the wrestling match and Eddie Guerrero slammed a dude on the hood of this truck. And it's funny that we're talking about this, cuz that truck popped up on a friend of ours, Cal. Kyle Fannin seed. He's like. This is the Godfather truck. That was.
Saw. The other day, it's the orange and black and yeah.
If that was a crime. Yeah. Yeah, that was a crime.
So he slammed a dude on that hood. The owner, godfathers had no idea that this was going to go down. When he slammed, it was you. Custom one off paint job. Know he had. Concept and those guys out there in Vegas that painted this thing and. And he freaked out. Like, holy, this is insane.
This is the one off paint job.
And looking at today, it's like, OK. Fix the. But now it didn't really stand the test of time.
No, that thing got parted out hard.
Oh yeah, yeah, it was. Was. It was pretty trash, right?
It had a rough life.
It did have a rough life. But when I was there, I kind of like experience with. Dealing with semen, doing SEMA cars and we were doing. Probably doing 8 or $10 cars which if anybody listening or watching doesn't know what that was. It was a program that a lot of the Big Three had with, you know, shops and builders across the country where you could. Contract and buy a car from them for a dollar in return for doing. X amount of marketing and branding and building and showcasing what can be done to that. And we I remember one last times I went to Seema with him. Did 9. We had three or four in the Fort booth itself. We had a you had several GM scattered across the Showgrounds and. If anybody's ever been part of one of those builds, you know that can recede a hairline pretty quick.
I don't.
You're not allowed to start those until a week before SEMA.
100 percent 100% because that was insane.
You get to lay underneath the dashboard and wire it in the trailer while the guy painting.
Yes, 116.
The other side.
Yeah, it was not a. It was not approved or OSHA approved, but I've seen guys in the back of the trailer going down the road that were installing stuff going to Vegas.
Been there, done that.
I've been involved with some sketchy stuff.
Oh yeah, yeah. So I've also learned a lot. No, not to do things along the way.
So that's.
You know that's invaluable information if you don't have it.
How did AMD come? How did you get to be part of? Part of that give. Give us a little background on AMD and I'm sure a lot of people know what AMD stands for. But. It is auto metal direct and kind of give us a little background on that.
OK, so for me with automatic. The company the First Mail order company I worked with was called Autobahn Wholesale. And they were big mail order out said that advertised in trucking magazine, truck sport, truck, mini truck get the idea and the web programmer for that company me and him we kind of hit it off. Kind of like, hey, look you. Do try. See if you can do coding. If you can do. Web graphics and he kind of pushed me into those different fields and we kind of just step stayed in touch, became friends. He lo and behold, became the web developer and IT manager AMD. So he called me. It was, I guess March, it would be 7 years ago. He's called me. It was New Year's. He's like, hey, what are you doing? I. Well, I'm enjoying some adult beverages about the ring in the New Year. What are you doing?
I was like all right. He's like, are you looking for a job? Like? No, he's like, well, come up here and talk to us next week. And I. And you know, it's really it was a weird interaction for me and for the owner of AMD is like, this is the weirdest. We're. I'm like you guys. Me and I was coming up here. What you're doing?
Oh, but I like it.
Let's do. So that's kind of how it got. A few months later I'd started working with them and. I didn't really intend on taking over their whole marketing. Platform and procedure, but was really just hit that full scale and I was hired to do their product photography. And I started in the warehouse and I had a pallet Jack and a box and I lined it up with, you know, just shiny white paper and started putting parts in it. And let's go. Riding down the aisles and we're going to fix your products images right now. So I did that and it worked out great and it just led one thing to another where I'm, you know handling your multi $1,000,000 marketing firm inside of AMD.
What is 3 of AMD itself? I want.
Round AMD was is technically I guess it was started in 2014. There's, you know, a little bit of blurred lines there because we were developing parts to bring the market. Weren't quite selling or public, you know, trading? Or not public trading, but you know selling parts to the public at that point. But that's kind of where we got started 2014 and the owner mark, he had a vision of. Offering. Quality premium sheet metal replacement parts for the Mopar muscle cars. That was kind of his, his wheelhouse, his love, his passion. He had had some other ventures in the same kind of industry in the past and. That's where he. So they started with a 69 charger tail panel. That was the first part they developed and went to market with and the rest was history for him. Was really great. So it's people don't.
That's what we focus on is restoration parts.
Well, one of the things that I learned by meeting up with folks like yourself and you know, some of the guys who have had relationships with AMD is in a previous kind of kind of a side gig that I did we had. Some kind of a podcast live stream called the Get Car Guy and 6:00. Show and we had. Who works for you guys on the? And he kind of gave us a little bit of an insight on some of the things that go on within AMD. One of those things is, you know, reproduction parts. And how that happens? I'm a big square body guy, so it seems to me just by looking at the site that the AMD is huge. Square bodies is a huge part. Of what it is. You guys do.
Are you?
But not exclusive certainly.
You guys tear.
Perfect I. Perfectly good trucks, but you guys tear trucks apart with factory panels and you do what you can to mimic that factory panel. And from what I understand, it's a factory in Taiwan. That you guys have developed a very good relationship with and producing parts so close to original quality that guys like Brian Harris. Swears by using your parts over anything else because of that quality, and we all know if you're into, I say I want to keep kind of coming back to square by just because I'm familiar with it. If you're familiar with them at all, you know that those pan. Not fit well right out of the GM assembly line.
When you buy these parts and you're getting the quality that you get from AMD. And guys like Brian Harrison who are building these NSRA show trucks, you know, giveaways and he's putting his name on it. That's got to tell you something about the quality. What parameters do you guys put into place to make sure that you are the best in these panels?
It kind of boils back to the Mopar. Roots. So to kind of give you an example of that. Anybody dealt with Mopar restoration guys or muscle car? Guys knows that they're pretty particular about not only the fit finish the quality, but also down to this hole wasn't here on this. Fender on my. Why is it on your car or this nut and bolt doesn't have the little castle in front on the head and it's not clocked at, you know, 30°. That was something that when we started AMD. Was a big deal and that has transferred over to the Chevy truck market. Ford truck. All the Fairlane Galaxy stuff, we're. Camaro, Chevelle. All of it. So if we're developing it, we're taking that mindset and reproducing it. Really the customers guys like us. Are the beneficiaries of that? That focus, that painstaking process of doing the best you can and getting as close to as original as possible.
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I. And.
And on top of that, just so that everybody that's listening here now whether you are a beginner, an intermediate or a professional car restoration shop, you already know the quality. But if you don't know the quality these guys are producing. The best and not only is it the best, they're still remaining competitive with the other. 3 knit letter companies that may be out there producing parts.
We all know who they are because we've all bought stuff from them in the past and we've understood that we're buying these parts because we're missing it. But we're quickly realizing when we get them just how inaccurate they may or may not. So I just wanted to throw that out there that you're not necessarily paying a premium at AMD because of the best parts, but you're still getting the. Best parts at those competitive prices. I wanted to make sure I threw that out there. I'm not just the spokesperson, I'm a customer.
I'm a user.
I want to throw that out there. That, you know? Yeah. I I've purchased products from you guys and you guys will see that on OldCarrGuy, my YouTube channel where we're working on the suburban. AMD was kind enough and especially a relationship that that we're building here with. With Jason to send me some of the metal products that I need for the restoration on Dale Junior, My 90 suburban and we're getting ready to tackle the big part and that's that rear cross member that the tailgate bolts to. That's a big pain in the *** job, and I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm hoping that I can share some insights on my channel. That's a whole another topic, but. I want to thank you for that help as well because you know we all know doing these projects every little bit that you can save here and there helps. And I want to do my part to make sure that am DS name continues to be a part.
What it is that small Youtubers are doing? But even the people who are listening to us, there's professionals that listen to us and what we do. But there's guys who have no friggin clue what they're doing and they just want to be able to unbolt and bolt a panel on. Which again square bodies. Pretty simple to do that so. Moving forward into we talked about the Ford trucks, mostly the Dent side trucks, we talked about Fairlane Galaxy, some of the Mopar stuff. Does the future look like for AMD for? I assume we're probably trying to start looking into. Obs. Chevy. Obs. Ford second Gen. Dodge. All this type of stuff.
100. So we've got. A ton of development and really, you know, speaking about some of you know, going back on our some of our competitors. Sets AMD apart. And it, you know, the fit and finish. We try really. I had a guy that that blasted me today on Instagrams like I got this.
Right hand bedside.
It doesn't fit worth a damn. And I was like. Whoa, I know the situation. Look. We're willing to help if you're having an issue. We have an issue and we want to correct that and maybe it's something where you got something tweaked in shipping, maybe it was something where it just got stamped or we screwed it up. Want to get to that? You know that bottom point. But on the flip side of that? When we're. Kind of. In the market, we're want to put out the best product. We're, we're in it to develop and make these parts the best we can. I don't know that we can. That about our. They, you know, either they're buying from us or somebody that's also manufacturing parts. So I think with the amount of development we've got going on to push the market forward, that also sets us apart. If that makes sense, you know, so getting into that with the Ford trucks we do, we're doing development for 48 of we'll see Ford truck will be 48 to 52. We've got parts going for those. Obviously the fat Fender stuff, but we're also have the bump side. Like 607072. We've been developing tons of stuff for that and that's starting to come actually into. Stock this week we had the 6772 short bed floor complete assembly with the cross rails and the little sections before and after the wheelhouses we've got. A ton more coming for the dent side. With a lot of interior stuff. Obs. Trucks. The entire inside of that truck is going to be reproduced by. So we've got the dashes for the 88 to 94, like the square dashes in stock. We're getting all the. Vents and. The you know headlight switches and all the stuff for that.
Broken Cowboys.
All in.
Like. Ready to. Yeah, you if anybody's picked up one of those trucks, they know if the dash isn't cracked as soon as you touch it or look at it wrong, it's going to crack. Exactly.
It's made out of old potato chips.
Yeah, it's, it's terrible. And even like the 95 up stuff, that stuff may look good, but if you go to pull it out or change anything, it's going to be a problem.
Yeah. You move it at all.
So we're working on that.
It's done.
100%. So we've had some guys like they see our 8894 dashes. What about the? Five up stuff. What about this? We're working on all this. And really, for us, it's like man, we've only got so much room to develop parts that we want to do everything. We just can't get it done fast enough. So that's really what we've got going on for trucks is a ton of interior.
Still doing a lot of metal, lot of glass seals, Chrome trim, you name it. We're working on it.
And that kind of moves us into your, your slogan more than metal.
Because I know AMD has everybody, everybody understands that that you supply sheet metal parts to everything. You can make a Crown Vic look like a 69 charger that can fly.
Yeah. Thanks, Raymond. That was awesome. Yeah. So the more the metal mantra we're pushing really hard for this year is just that is the push that we're doing. You know square body grill for we're working on GMC don't let it get out too far but we're working on some of that stuff the. The dash bezels, the vents, the you know, the retainers. For those the, I mean, my gosh, we're working on. We've. Door panels for the 81 up trucks and those are pretty neat 'cause you can actually turn those around and see where you need to cut. If you have power windows, or if you don't leave it. You know, it's good to. We're working on the early stuff for the 7376 and all three different versions.
It's a lot.
A lot of more than metal stuff that AMD should be known for because the quality is there, just like on our on all of our you know, body panels.
And I had heard rumor of a square body or a 67 or 72. Cab available.
Yes. So that's a pretty interesting. We've got a partnership with Mark Oya and Square body headquarters and a few other companies that are coming online where you can purchase a complete brand new 2025 square body cap. And have it built to order. So if you want the smooth firewall like we offer, or if you want like custom heart fav stuff, put in or. You want. If you want the flush Mount Glass installed on this thing, you can get it tuned exactly how you want it and. They take, he takes our parts, put them in just like GM would, with the spot welders and it's a brand new cat. So that's kind of that's a new program and platform for us and it's working out really. He's starting to get backed up, so if anybody needs one, they better get the order in sooner than later because the builders are starting to catch on, guys.
And you have an install center as well.
We had a partnership with the installation Center which has. Gone to pasture. They've moved on.
OK. I asked that 'cause. Have dealt with them before so.
Yeah, Craig.
Unbelievable talent. Great. We wish him the. He's been balancing health issues and felt like it was best to kind of shut that down, but that is a that's a huge blow because that's a great resource that's been a, you know, a staple of ours. Oh, for a long. And they were doing, you know, rebodies on who it is and challenges and devils. And it was, it was really great for a lot of the other builders across the country, they could say, hey, can you rebody this or throw a rear end on this car just.
Like it would have been and then. It out to us. So yeah, that's definitely if anybody listening is looking to do some of that kind of work, we're talking.
And the other thing I might be speaking out of term, but the last I heard you guys were working pretty heavily on some on some Bronco stuff as well. Full size full size Bronco. So tell us a little bit. That because. Again, we can sit here and we can. Can we can do square body all night long 'cause we know AMD is the go to for square?
Right. Well.
But we've got you 4 guys covered and not just in the pickup room we like. You guys are stepping up to Bronco. So tell us some of those specific items that might be hard to find out there. AMD is working towards to provide to these Bronco guys.
Right. So we've. Started to bring on a lot of the 66 to 77 Bronco stuff where? It could be a whole. I guess you call it quarter panel on those bedside, a lot of the patch panels, but we also have like the hoods where I think in 69 is when they started offering vents in those trucks and the earlier ones didn't.
We have both versions. We're doing bumpers and we're starting to do bushings and brackets and stuff for those, as well as the 7879 where we've got the full quarter panel on those. We're working on some stuff. With the maybe a full floor pan. Sure, if that's going to come. Fruition or. We're going to kind of see how the sales go, but all the dense side truck stuff that transfers over to that and then really one of the coolest parts that were we really need to start pushing more development on is the 80 to 96 like the bull. Or you know that. Bronco, right? So those we developed one part specifically for those. And on the rear cross rail below the tailgate. Is it's a it's cross rail that goes pretty much from quarter panel to quarter panel and just about every single one of those is rusted out. And we came to market with that not long ago and it's just people need it and they want it. So it's hard to keep it in stock. We're doing, you know, thousands of those a year. So that's really exciting to see more of the Broncos. Love Broncos? I'd love to. A full size Bronco. One point. I've only got so much room in the driveway.
I know you guys are constantly bringing up new parts and things for pick ups and things. Is there going to be any sort of branching out into other areas? Because I know we're kind of working our way up to the 80s. I mean or is G? In the future.
God, I hope so.
We've got some parts and there's. There's a manufacturer out there that offers some G body stuff. I've heard a lot of. There's a lot of want for good quality stuff, so I'm pushing for. That the fox body you know. And 4th. Camaro. I had a great talk today with a guy that's like, man, if you had inner fenders for the 7176 Caprice, those would sell like crazy. Not necessarily a market that. I'm super familiar with but. That's why I come to you know, different shows and events. We're really moving forward on those as far as a company standpoint, what are we going to develop next? What can we project? What would be the smartest moves to make this a viable platform for guys at home that need the parts? Builders that are willing to build the cars. And try and kick off something where it works for everybody.
Now AMD is not just sheet. It's not we talked that is more than metal, but AMD is more than just car and truck parts AMD is quite. Philanthropic when it comes to helping out with certain charities or certain things that move, maybe it moves the youth into the car market. Let's I want to talk a little bit. You know. When it comes to AMD, what drives youth? Into cars or car. What does AMD do to help drive that younger generation into? Knowing the difference between Ag body. You know GM vehicle or a fox body Mustang. Because maybe they just they didn't grow up knowing what those were or with those around what's AMD doing to help that younger generation.
We've got a lot of fronts on. The first one comes to mind is operative talent. Operative talent is a group of like minded people that really want to push the connections within at least a hot rod community. And the automotive community as a whole to get the youth engaged in automotive. So that can mean with operative talent that can mean. You know, if you want to work in a warehouse, automotive industry has, you know potential, if you want to work in marketing, if you want to work in content creation, if you want to work in sales and manufacturing and production and development and you name it the autom. Is a viable solution. And really, with that exposure and having that program where we can bring in this vendor, this manufacturer, this sales outlet into a local trade school or middle school high school and have a. Career day or, you know, something along those lines where we're getting the youth exposed to the aftermarket automotive community. That's a big push that Amd's, you know, pretty strong minded about. We've worked with, you know, like the Petty Foundation and I car and Crest and. Pretty big names to push the needle forward and it's making some real results like it Seema we had. Four students that we had, three students that were full ride scholarships to the show and they were hosted by several operative talent partners that they got to meet people in the industry network with those folks. And provide lunches and, you know, say, secure atmosphere for these kids to be exposed to different realms within the automotive industry, whether it's, you know, welding or painting fabrication or parts manufacturing or doing wholesale. To. To business is a lot about opportunities that we were able to provide through some of the you know the efforts that we have done throughout the years to build up that base. The other stuff that we're working on, we do a lot of, we do a lot of quality, quality control at. So if we get parts that come in that aren't right or we get feedback from customer says, hey, y'all need to look at these, this isn't right. We'll pull stuff off there or have stuff that came in damaged and we quarantine it. Not for sale. We reach out to trade schools and tech centers and high school. There's not many high school auto shops.
But I do exist.
And we'll spend a pallet of. Hey, hey, quit pulling stuff out of the rusty junkyard. Cut it up. Paint it, buff it, beat the hell out of it. You need to do. And we supply those to those kids. And really, the trade schools are really loving. So we're trying to build more of those across and that's where operative talent kind of comes in on the back end with building out the network of folks that can really connect. Hey, these guys. At ACC. In in Alabama, they have a source for something that you could use for this or whatever, and bringing those together to help the next generation.
Yeah, having a good network of people. That are trying to bring the youth into the industry because I see some people. Sometimes it shows that are. Kind of negative to having new people come in. You know the old can't teach an old dog new tricks kind of thing. You go to a car show and there's always some. Older guy and he's sitting behind a chart and sitting in a chair behind his car, and he's been doing the same thing with the same car for 62 years. And he certainly doesn't like a new Honda or Corvette or something coming through the.
Car show. He's got a 76 Torino there.
Get off my lawn.
He's shaking his New Balance shoes at you. Yeah.
Kids come over here. Not all ********.
Come over. This is really you'll love this.
And that's kind of where I fell being a Gen. X is I'm not part of the boomer, quote UN quote boomer crowd and I'm not part of the millennials. I was, as everybody else was, forgotten about in the automotive industry and we Gen. X had to pave our own way. And for God sakes, you bring in post 64 cars into street rod nationals. Oh my God. I was desecrating the whole place, you know, and I think bringing kids into.
Right, right.
To into the industry is paramount in in making this thing go forward because they bring new ideas, they bring fresh, fresh, new ideas. I never thought I'd see a pro touring.
79 Mustang Pace car you know.
Where did that come from?
Right. I mean pop right out the middle of nowhere. You know when they try, they give that car away. They give the yellow one away like that at. Rod nationals.
All right.
That was just upheaval of everything and the amount of backlash that.
Oh yeah, yeah.
Brian Harrison having a square body truck at St. Nationals to give it away.
He's about the same age, I say as we are.
Us 3 here. And his ideas. Were not thought of as such a great. Why are you giving away a square body? Trucking St. ride nationals? The backlash of that was just terrible.
Oh yeah, yeah. I've had long talks about that, right?
But I thought it was wonderful. Right, I.
We actually ran into Vernon Walker and Tom Bobrick over there in at PRI this year. Was like, hey, man, look out in this crowd and you'll see how many damn trucks. Out there. I can drink the coffee, man. It's time to wake up.
Oh yes.
Yeah, and they're on.
Oh yes.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking crap about those guys because they're.
Oh, no, no, no.
Well, the muscle. Everybody there is on board, but the man that matters.
Is on board.
We talk about diversification and that's exactly what I think Brian did with this truck. Yes, there are muscle cars, and if you really want to get technical and nerdy and anal retentive, muscle cars is specific to a couple or a few genres of cars. 2 door big motors, whatever happens to be from a certain year to a certain year. But. The hot rod industry has diversified so far away from. The ideological. Muscle car term that you can find muscle. Anywhere folks.
Oh yeah.
It might be in an old farm truck. It might be in something. I'm sorry, but it can.
Yep, yeah.
But if we're not encouraging that to those who are interested, we will never. Will never exercise that right to pass on all this fun, creative, energetic and. Costly. Stuff that we do with cars will never pass that on to the next generation. 20 years there's. I guarantee you there will be nobody. Hot rodding a Tesla. I guarantee you there will be nobody taking a cyber truck and doing something funky with it. OK. Like we're talking classics.
And because we know our ages here around the table, like to us growing up in the 80s. Those cars are becoming now antique and hot roddable. Right. So as a manufacturer, stop shaking your head. You know, when it comes to someone like myself, I like I like a little bit of technology, but I still like it old school. Right. That's why I drive at my wife, daily Drive crown vics. I don't like a lot of this new fancy touch screen, goober. Take you open the door for you. Whatever sites. We got. Get back to a little bit of basic. There's when it comes to manufacturing like. We need to be looking at what's the. Popular thing someday. Panther Platform cars will be a reproduction thing somewhere to somebody. It might not be AMD. It is. But those cars are.
They're becoming more popular now, just like the box Chevys.
In the Buick Lesabre's and the Parisians and all that type of stuff. Things are becoming. And. Popular if there's nobody there to take a hold of those rings. We're going to lose a. Generation. So the reason why I wanted to talk a little bit about AMD and the youth is because over here at the get it and Drive podcast, we are huge on making sure we're talking to the youth that were showing them what the fun is in cars that were. Them that there is a future still. In learning those trades because. You know, everybody wants that classic car, but guess what someone’s got.
To build it.
Someone’s got to supply the parts for it. And if we're not there, telling those stories and who to tell and say, you know, listen, you need to go check out AMD because they've got this, that and the other thing or you need to go here or go there.
Got off a little bit of a tangent. I'm sorry. One of the things I want to kind of circle back to, we talked about the youth, but we also want to talk about the enthusiasm. The Johns and the Jason's of this world who have no problem jumping in a pickup truck traveling 1500 miles from Canada to a small little show that's no longer small like C 10s in the city. In downtown Atlanta and you guys are huge at those shows. And it's not just C 10s in the city. You guys are everywhere. Guys are going to D. You guys are going to battle in. You guys are going to see 10 truck. Tell us a little bit about some of these big shows that. Hit every year. You've got a huge presence there. You're bringing your model truck that's got all brand new, you know, stuff on it. Where are you going in 2025 with AMD so that the world can come to you and? Exactly what it is that you guys are doing.
So we do a ton of events. We are. We believe in grassroots hit the ground, knock on doors kind of marketing and the shows that we've been doing and attending, it's really kind of reflected that. So in 2025, we're not really taking our foot off the. We're just kind of swerving a little bit to make sure we're making as big a splash and make sure everybody knows that AMD is here and this is what we're doing. So we've got about 20 events we're doing this year. That's half of what we did last year, but it's going to be big production at each one. I know for a fact that C 10s of. City I've got. I've probably got about 3 days. Before I know for sure, but we're going to have a big name YouTuber at that show with Kevin Tate. Unveiling a new vehicle for him. We've got Mario Addison from, you know, the NFL that's doing built by yo. That's going to be hosting, you know, a couple of his friends at the show with.
A whole.
A whole spectacle.
Stuff that we're going to help the support see 10s of the city. The GM truck community that's in Georgia, it's going to be the largest GM Truck classic truck show in the in the in the state of Georgia. And we're really pushing for that to be the destination show. For Jordan. So I guess I'm saying that is we want to support the community. Want to help Rick and Sarah support the Pink Fund because. Everything they're doing, they're not getting rich off of this. They're not, you know, putting all this together to bring in, you know, next year's mortgage payments. They're doing it for a good. The funds go directly to the Pink Fund, and that's a breast cancer survivor. Support. Charity that helps you know women. That need money to pay bills and to get, you know. It's beyond the medical payments. That's really what it's for and it's a great 100%. 'Cause you know, if you have, you know, a sickness or illness and you need. With that. It it's similar to the Ronald McDonald House where you need, you know, somewhere to. That. Your family needs somewhere to stay that night. You need, you know. Food on the table and they help with those. You don't lose your power, your water, and your car payment. Whatever they help with that is the purpose. So good people in the C10 community doing good things. What AMD wants to support?
Many kids in city.
I love. Show it's such a great backdrop and you know the kings under the rings and having the whole Olympic kind of tie in.
It's great because we go to a ton of shows and we don't have a lot of that. You know that urban feel and that urban backdrop and it's really cool to see everybody come. To support. So that's definitely 1 show. Really excited about. We're going to have announcements on a meet at AMD with hopefully some celebrity guests that are going to come in, come into the Georgia community and, you know, make a present. We're doing GM truck fare again this year with Brian Harrison. That is a cool show if you guys haven't been. Haven't seen it. He does a Friday night VIP. That's downtown Greenville, and there's a raffle to raise for the charity to get kids into hot rodding. And the next day is to show he does a top. Don't quote me on. And Brian, sorry if I don't remember if it was top 20 or top 25, but we had. AMD 3 pick we had a Harrison pick and those folks line up at the stage on the show and then drive down to downtown Greenville where they blocked off. Depot Street, which is a cool like they just redid it and it's got all these local businesses and a beer garden and food trucks and. They set up. Stage and they were doing, you know, live music and we did awards. Did. Raffle and I don't know if you guys follow chase with the autism C10 truck build. Brian raised money to have chases truck on the show shirt for this year and then auction off the spot for the other truck that's going to be on the artwork and the show shirt. So it's. It's all for a. Cause and it helped you know the autism found. And you know, that's another thing that we're really going for community outreach. And then.
So you had me at beer garden? Can tell you that.
After this elections, great prices, it was perfect.
And Brian, if you guys have never heard of if you ever have the opportunity to meet Brian Harrison, he is cool as ****. He is. He is a really good guy.
Yes, Sir.
Got that slow southern draw? And Gary hospital. John and I stopped in to see him when we were making our way to see 10s. The city back in 23. Think it was.
We got to make it back down there again to do another road trip and maybe this time rather than take Dale, I will take Dale Junior, the suburban and. And kind of just. Make another. We were trying to plan another road trip and figure out where we want to go in the back of my mind, I'm thinking Dino's.
Oh yeah, yeah.
But Dino's is a long drive from Atlanta, and I've got 1500 miles to get to there. Right. So I'd have to take. Two weeks off work just to go to Dino's get.
Cooler sun.
It's going to be a trip, yeah.
But and one last thing that I do want to talk about too is when I when I browse through my Facebook and my Facebook marketplace 'cause, you know, marketplace is just.
It's a past time. I see a lot of advertisement because, again, for those who don't know, I'm in Canada. So I see a lot of advertisement for AMD retailers and dealers. In Canada, but one thing I don't see is we have in Moncton, NB which is just a couple of hours from me. We have the biggest car show on the East Coast. And AMD does not represent. Oh, no. Is that something that we might be able to fix for 20/23? Sorry, 2026.
I think we. Yeah. Yeah, let's definitely get on that ball.
I think we should.
And if there's something that I can do to help make that happen, because I do know the organizer and whatever I can do on my end, I'd like to see AMD have a presence at a show like that.
Yeah. Yes.
And you know, because we've got them, we've got to make the world. Known more about AMD because of not just the quality parts, the competitive pricing, but what you do behind the scenes for the industry so. Off Camera, Jason will talk. That at some point.
All right, fair enough.
Yeah. Yeah, we love international man, it's. Yeah, we've got just a kind of toot to the horn a little bit. Were talking. Some gentleman today about setting up. Distributorships in Mexico and Brazil. We have. We have one distributor in Brazil. Three I know of in this Australia we have New Zealand, Sweden, South Africa, so. It's starting to. But man, that's what we're doing. Beating the drum here.
Yeah, well, it takes. You know, it takes a community to show that the that the demand is there and you know, of course here East Canada. We're just a bunch of. We drive Chevy pickups and all Ford pickup, so we want to make sure that that name gets out there.
I want to do what it is I can do here on the ground to show everybody. You know that the AMD is something that they should be considering for sure so. John, anything else that we need to talk about before we go because we've covered a lot of a lot of. Here tonight.
I don't have anything else, I mean. I built a whole entire 67 Chevelle like Jack up the vent egg and build a whole Chevelle out of out of parts from AMD. I personally as a body man personally have had my hands on their parts and I would not use another company. Yeah, I the only reason I use the company another company is because.
You guys don't have it yet.
I we don't have.
You will. And then I'll change. But my goodness if from a body man standpoint door gaps, how things fit.
Holes, presence of originality unsurpassed.
Thank you. We appreciate that and it goes without saying, if you guys do have a problem, let us know.
No big deal, but.
We were trying hard, so we appreciate that. You very much.
And as part of a partnership between auto, Metal Direct and get out and Drive Podcast, we are offering our listeners a 10% discount if you use GOND at checkout, you get 10% off your purchase. So load up your card. Make sure you're picking up everything you need for your project. Because as time goes on, they're only going to be expanding the products that they have. We said earlier in the podcast. They are more than just metal. We can get weather stripping, we can get dash pads, we can get grills, bezels, you name it, and if it's something that you don't have there yet, reach out to them.
Let them know because if there is a demand, there's something going to. It a priority. So Jason, thank you so much for helping. To become a part of. The get out and Drive podcast we really appreciate. Jumping on board. We also appreciate your. We know you're on the road. Know hitting the. I think you're down to Florida right now.
Orlando, Baby, we're doing this thing.
Yeah. So we appreciate you taking your time while you're working off of your busy schedule to be a part of the get. Drive podcast.
Absolute. I appreciate. Had a great time.
With national get it and Drive Day 2024 in the rearview mirror, we are working out the windshield and focused on Drive Day 2025.
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