Get Out N Drive Podcast
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Get Out N Drive Podcast
WTF Is A Cigarette Car?? Get The Down & Dirty Of This New TikTok Car Jargon!
Ride along with Jason OldeCarrGuy Carr and John CustomCarNerd Meyer and find out how TikTok taught them about Cigarette Cars. Don't know about this? Even the CustomCarNerd didn't know this was a thing!
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Recording Engineer, Paul Meyer
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Now Jason, you know is. Older Gray haired guys. You know, we're always screaming at the clouds. These kids, these damn kids these days.
Get off my lawn.
Do you have a different name for malaise era cars?
Ugly. Boring. You know, they're gas guzzlers, they're pollution control. They're just lame cars, I would say.
Right. Just lame cars and. They weren't really performance minded. They didn't care, right? So we consider cars like post 1974 to kind of, I don't know, like maybe 1990 or 2000.
The 80s were pretty drab, so maybe I would agree with that.
We have a term for that. We call it malaise era cars. I call them disco, muscle cars or decal horsepower, stuff like that. But newer cars from 1994 to now what? What thing just disappeared? On every car.
You got me.
Cigarette lighter. There you go. Ashtrays. Right letters and ashtrays. Well, I learned a new term the other day. And again, I wanna scream at the clouds. These damn kids. The kids have a new term for that. They're cigarette cars.
Well, you were, you were sending me pictures earlier today, labeling things as cigarette cars. I'm thinking, John, have you lost your rocker?
No idea. We need it. Yeah, I I had no idea this was the thing. A person that we know that's under 20. Between 18, between 14 and 18, we've got several different people and they started talking about cigarette cars like the hell is this cigarette car? And they're like, oh, it's all over YouTube. It's all over YouTube. It's all over TikTok and I'm like cigarette car. What the hell are you talking about? What's a cigarette car? And they and they started explaining it to me. And I'm like, you know, that's just a used car, right? Well, they explain what a cigarette car is. It is the car that they remember their mom, their older sister's boyfriend. Whatever hanging out of the car. Cars average Honda late nineties 2000s there a Honda with the paint blowing off of it, the bumpers mashed in, missing all four wheel covers. Cassette stereo with. The smell of cigarettes in it and Marlboro packages all over the floor. And I'm like, you guys got a term for this. And I did not even have any idea this was the thing. I looked it up on TikTok. It is everywhere and I can't believe it. And what you would sell Jason at your used car lot as a used car. All these kids consider a cigarette car. I didn't. I had no idea this was.
The thing? Well, it's funny how you say that because like when you like, we all know what. A cigarette boat is. Right. It's a very. It's a very long bow on a boat race, big horsepower, blah blah, blah. And when you started sending me these things cigarette cars, I'm thinking a cavalier.
Is a cigarette. What? What the heck is he talking about? And now that you mentioned this and you, you telling me and describing to me what cigarette cars are?
I sold brand new Cavaliers and Sunfires at the local GM garage in 2000, and that was one of my first big kind of cracks at the whole sales thing. And you know, 25 years old. And I thought I. Had the world right by the. Behind and you're looking at the stickers, the window sticker on these cars, and it says smokers package 125. What was a smoker's package in 125? It was a removable discardable ashtray and one cigarette lighter still in the 12 Volt outlet.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's not an auxiliary outlet. It was used to light your moms cigarette.
Imagine that and I and I guess kids nowadays that is nostalgic for them because everybody remembers. They're under 20 years old, and that's the cycle of life, and that's what they're nostalgic for now.
And everything that you and I drive today has that technology.
Oh yeah.
Right. My suburban has probably no less than six ashtrays in that vehicle. If you guys don't follow me on Instagram, that old car guy, you'll know that recently we've been working on the 78 continental. That thing has more cigarette letters and ashtrays than the space station had pods or whatever you want it like, this thing is just polluted with. Cigarette lighters in the doors. Can you imagine?
Separate ashtrays. I I thought it was amazing when GM and Ford they used to put ashtrays and cigarette lighters. You know things that start fires. Yeah, they put them in the back seat. The back of the front seat, the most flammable part of the car. They might as well put. Them in the headliner.
Foam and plastic or vinyl there?
Exactly. We're going to put cigarettes and we're going to put them in the back of the front seat. That sounds like a great idea. I guess it sells cars after a.
While well, you know what? I guess with all great things, of course, smoking was a thing, John. We go back to the 30s when they were building. Cars back then? And my dad has a 1936 Dodge brothers sedan. And the drivers and passenger side windows. When you go to crank them down. They slide backwards. About an inch and a half first. And then down when you did that, that gave you that vent window to do what, John, to flick your ashes.
Flick your ashes out. There's several JC Whitney, old JC Whitney ads that has a vacuum that you could buy and stick it on the drivers. On the on the driver's side and it had sucked out and used your engine vacuum and it sucked out butts and ashes and everything out of your car. It was a smokers vacuum.
Give you. Few extra miles per gallon.
I guess and a lot of people call the vent windows on cars, they call them smokers.
Early EGR valves. Windows. Yeah, you know, and we look back at things that have changed over the years, obviously there are still a lot of smokers on this planet, but far less today than there was even 30 years ago. So when you start looking at cars that were built, they were building cars for smokers. Today, we don't have that. What are we building cars for today? We're building cars for technologic, for technology, for places, for people to put their phones while it's being charged, places to plug it in. I mean, my God, you don't even have 12 Volt chargers anymore. You've got usb-c. So that little round plugin almost doesn't even exist on a lot of vehicles nowadays, because it's going away of the. Dodo. Bird, we're getting rid of cigarettes. We're getting rid of old technology.
So I'm glad to be able to. Be the one to tell you about cigarette cars. So look that up and and make sure you're hunting down things on TikTok, which is where this is where this will end.
Up. Well, you know, The funny thing is about you saying TikTok cars or TikTok being TikTok and cigarette cars is sitting right here in front of my studio. There are three. Cigarette curse.
Yeah, I'm about ready to go out and make a couple of tick tocks on. Folks, so stay tuned for that.