Get Out N Drive Podcast
The Get Out N Drive Podcast Fueled By AMD
Ride along with John CustomCarNerd Meyer and Jason OldeCarrGuy Carr for all the info you NEVER wanted to know about cars and why they should be out on the road and NOT in your garage! Are you ready to Get Out N Drive? Sit in on these bench racing sessions as the guys talk with everyone you NEED to know from the automotive industry and hobby. If it has wheels, they'll talk about it! Hot Rods, Custom Cars, Muscle Car and Racing are all on the table. When the mic is off, visit for even more car talk on the Get Out N Drive Podcast blog, YouTube Channel and social media pages. Grab some cool merch and sign up for National Get Out N Drive Day.
Get Out N Drive Podcast
The Villain Of Cannonball - Fred Ashmore's 25:55 Cannonball Run Record Breaker
Ride along with Jason OldeCarrGuy Carr & John CustomCarNerd Meyer as they put this episode into gear with Cannonball Run Record Breaker Fred Ashmore.
After Fred Ashmore's Record Breaking 25:55 Cannonball Run, in a rental car, during COVID, the controversy started to rev up. Rumors were abound that he didn't actually make the run and that his evidence of the run was faked. Officially, there are no rules in Cannonball. So how did Fred break the rules of the Cannonball Run? Jump in for the first of 3 episodes and hear the story directly from the rule breakin', record breakin' man himself!
So, is Fred Ashmore a Cannonball Villain or THE boot strappin' everyman's hero of Cannonball? Let us know what you think!
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Recording Engineer, Paul Meyer
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Get Out N Drive Podcast
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The Rockabilly
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2022-09-07 22:37:20 UTC
And I'm Jason, Olde Carr Guy Carr.
Ashamed to admit I've never even done it across Canada. I've flown it a few. Times, but never.
Thanks for having me here guys.
We want to get in the head of the man that broke the Cannonball Run record.
And I hope you guys. Got time cause it's a long.
That's what we're here for, man.
You know, Jason, we sure get to. Talk a lot. Yes, and some of.
Us more than. Others who me? I'm not pointing.
Stories, questions, comments. Hate. Mail, even hate.
Mail even hate mail. You get a. Car show in your. Area let us know, let.
Know what you like to get out and drive.
But what time was what? What year was that, briefly, about being on HGTV?
To the next thing to get out and Drive, podcast has partnered with
Oh, like I get with my luck, I get sued by Nike. It's gonna mine my up Right.
I call it I. Would call it a goal, not so much a hurdle, but a goal.